Forwarding a message originally sent to ODA per Khaled's request:
I don't know if you'll be able to help with this, but I'm running into issues with linked images in Drupal fitting the accessibility requirements. Right now, screen readers are reading linked images' alt text instead of the page title of the node they lead to. I'm wondering if there's a way for the image template to recognize images that are links, and then create an aria (or simply adjust the alt text) so that it reads correctly.
An example of where this is an issue comes from referenced entities, where the image field of a node is being pulled into a block on another page. Since this image field is being used in several places and isn't always clickable, we can't simply change the alt text to be the node title.
This is a large issue on (which I'm aware is a heavily modified site that uses our own stylized subtheme), but it occurs on any Folwell site using linked images in the Views module as well. If it's possible to use some kind of if/then logic in the image template in order to adjust images that are links, it would solve a great deal of issues now and down the line.
Not sure if this is even possible, but I've been spinning this issue in my brain for a while. Hopefully this message makes sense.