On Hold—Modal windows
Michelle Hoedeman
Allow content to be shown in a separate window without the user leaving the page.
Kathy Jensen
Kathy Jensen
Styling for modal windows is on hold. Modals will be difficult to style in D8 and OIT has recommended we put the effort in once D9 is released.
Sara Froehlich
Folwell Working Group team Brennan/Kelly A are researching this component.
Sara Froehlich
It looks like My U also uses modal windows when a visitor clicks on a "News" item for more information. I'm adding this screenshot to show another example of how modal windows are used on campus.
Kathy Jensen
under review
Sara Froehlich
Michelle - Have you found examples of health sciences sites that are using modal windows on their sites? I think Vet Med has used them minimally, but I'm not sure of other units that have started using them.
Michelle Hoedeman
Sara Froehlich: FPDI used to, but I don't see them anymore. I'm not aware of others who use this though.
Michelle Hoedeman
Sara Froehlich: Update: These are currently used on the CAHFS site. See the people callouts at the bottom of this page: https://www.cahfs.umn.edu/policy/eio-2019-grand-challenge-innovation. If you click on Introduction Video, a video appears in a modal window.